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Arnold Schwarzenegger on adapting workout to his age

Arnold Schwarzenegger on adapting workout to his age

How aging changed and affected the 74 years old actor: mentally and physically

Arnold Schwarzenegger has discovered a lot over his five decades in the public eye, since his early days as the Austrian Oak, his time as one of Hollywood's most famous leading men, and not to forget his political career. If you follow his newsletter, you might know what we're talking about, in his most recent email, he replied to a fan question that was pretty much on everyone's lips: how does getting older affect one, both physically but also mentally?

His newsletter says: "Physically, you just have to accept reality and do the best you can." "It is always difficult to accept that you aren’t where you once were... More than 2,000,000 Americans over 65 suffer from depression. I think a lot of that comes from hormonal changes that cause us to lose muscle over time. The global anti-aging market is worth 58 billion dollars. That is a lot of people trying to hold on to their youth."

In addition, the actor also offered practical guidance on how to make modifications to your workout routine, so these changes and the movement can help you train more safely. Because it's good to know how to stay injury-free, especially as you get older.

Schwarzenegger says that he has chosen to adapt to his age, make his workouts a little bit different, and focus on staying lean. Also, he states that he does so to avoid injury, moving away from free weights and sticking to workout machines. The actor recalls making this change in 2012, but he is not the only one doing so. Frank Zane also revealed that he began using weight machines and ditching the free weights after turning 70. Schwarzenegger says that he still works out every day because it's what makes him satisfied. However, his training sessions look very different now than they once were. He says that he is addicted to training and he absolutely needs to start his day in the gym, even though he knows that his body won’t react the way it did 50 years ago. Nevertheless, the actor can maintain as much as he can, which brings him great joy.

How has aging impacted him in a non-physical sense? The actor mentions he is grateful for the outlook and knowledge that can only come with aging: "I feel much smarter than I was when I was younger, because I’ve read more, I’ve met more interesting people, I’ve become wiser, and of course, I’ve learned from my successes, and I’ve learned even more from my mistakes," Schwarzenegger tells. At 74, the famous actor is fighting for a clean environment, besides being a fitness lover, a government reform campaigner, a businessman, and an entertainer. Age has encouraged him through experience and knowledge to talk about what he couldn't in his younger years, that being healthcare policies or infrastructure. Ultimately, as the actor says, "life is about giving back, because in the end, we won’t be judged by how much we make, but by how much we give."

4245 reads
September 18, 2022
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