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The Midsummer Night in Sweden – an experience unlike anywhere else

The Midsummer Night in Sweden – an experience unlike anywhere else

Did you know that on the 21st of June, it's Midsummer Eve in Sweden? All across the nation, people are busily preparing for the festivities. Whether you're Swedish or not, you're invited to take part in the merriment. Or maybe host your gathering - we'll give you some tips on how below.

While June 6th is Sweden's official National Day, Midsummer is when the country really lets loose. In 2024, Midsummer Eve arrives on June 21st. But in many towns and villages, the celebrations last throughout the whole Midsummer weekend. So come join the fun - indulge in traditional dances around the maypole, taste the delicious foods, and experience the magic that Swedes have been enjoying for generations on their longest night of the year. You'll find a warmth and community like nowhere else. Velkommen till festen!

Since the late Middle Ages, Swedish tradition has involved erecting and dancing around a maypole, decorated with flowers and greenery known as "maja".

In ancient agrarian culture, Midsummer Night was viewed as a time when plants possessed healing properties and could reveal glimpses of the future. Young women seeking visions of their husbands would quietly gather seven diverse blooms to place under their pillow before sleep. Walking barefoot in the morning dew was believed to promote well-being, as was wearing a floral crown. Flowers from the wreaths were sometimes dried and used later to protect household health through the winter.

Whether rooted in faith, folklore or simply marking the season, there remains an air of the mystical about Midsummer's longest day. Many feel its magic is worth experiencing at least once, out of curiosity if nothing else.

Just as with other major holidays, the heart of Midsummer lies in communal eating and drinking. Several dishes have become classic parts of the seasonal spread, often enjoying their peak freshness at this time.

Prominent among them are new potatoes, freshly dug and lightly boiled until tender. A swath of dill enhances their buttery texture. Alongside gravlax and meatballs, they make the perfect companion to another staple: pickled herring. A cooler arrival to Sweden in the 1650s, potatoes became widely planted and consumed over the next century - and none are finer than those of Midsummer.

Berries too signal the season's sweetness. Strawberries, long a Swedish favorite, round out the feast. The entire repast calls to mind the evolutions of the classic Swedish smörgåsbord through the 1800s. Tracing back to festive "brännvinsbords" of bread, fish, meat, and schnapps, this bountiful assortment remains a cherished Midsummer culinary tradition for communities to gather and savor the vivid flavors of summer.

No Midsummer celebration would feel complete without the jubilant sharing of aquavit through song. Each toast prompts a new verse to be lifted in the choir, with the spirited classic "Helan Går" among the most beloved. Its name signifies the first round disappearing down throats - for if one does not drain, the next round called "Halvan" cannot follow.

This joyous tradition of improvised drinking songs is uniquely Swedish, their lyrics and melodies evolving across generations. The Museum of Spirits in Stockholm has painstakingly archived over 12,000 such verses, demonstrating their enduring role in social cohesion. To sing just one per day would consume more than three decades.

As evenings unwind, fresh strawberries bursting with the sun's warmth take center stage. Paired with cream, their natural sweetness owes to Sweden's long spring nights. 

Tips for Your Midsummer Party

While large communal celebrations define Midsummer tradition, smaller gatherings with friends capture the same spirited essence. All the quintessential flavors await at local shops. Beyond diverse pickled herrings, seek out fresh potatoes, gravlax, meatballs, and Aquavits' sweet strawberry companions. Be sure to stock breads, cheeses, and creams for sharing spreads.

For beverages to complement the feasting, pay a visit to Systembolaget's knowledgeable staff. Outdoor games like Kubb further enliven the festivities. Sporting goods and toy shops often carry sets of wooden blocks. With these tools and traditions in hand, you're all set to welcome Midsummer's magic wherever your community assembles to celebrate the longest sunlit day of the year. 

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June 14, 2024
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