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What exactly is sexercise?

What exactly is sexercise?

There's no doubt that many people heard of it, but do you know what 'sexercise' means?

Let's start with a little context first. When the idea was first used and the word 'sexercise' became increasingly common, it essentially meant warming up through exercises in order to get your blood flowing and improving the body's flexibility - just like a workout. But some refer to it as hot, steamy sex while other people view it as full exercises with the purpose of getting the body ready for intercourse, like doing Kegel exercises - which can also be practiced outside of sex, whenever you feel like it. Long story short, it all depends on the person doing these 'sexercises' and their aim. Because sometimes, it's not about an immediate result, but about long-term sexual well-being and a way to stimulate, improve and increase pleasure - or even endurance - for all partners.

But what exactly is sexercise?

It all depends on each person and their purpose and what they're view on sex is. Because you might see it as preparations or a warm-up - just like stretching - while someone else might consider it necessary or a method to spice things up during sex through a whole exercise routine. Some do it to improve their stamina, their endurance, or their pleasure. And some do it just for fun!

But ultimately, why go to the gym when you’ve already burned calories in a hot sweaty session? Because sexercise can be cardio, kegel, or any aerobic exercise you fancy. You can have a routine or you can just experiment and find what you like, whether your purpose is having more flexibility for challenging erotic positions, or you just want to better control your breath and make it a regular calorie-burning routine!

Because sexercise can have many benefits ...

As a stimulating workout, sexercise can have many benefits for those practicing and there's research to back it up. Studies have shown that sexercise can have benefits for your overall health, not only on a physical level but also on the mental side.

The benefits of sexercise are numerous, but the most common of them include:

  • decreased stress

  • improved immune system

  • speeding up the metabolism

  • increased level of endorphins

  • better sleep

  • boosted confidence

All this aside from being a great workout. Because everyone knows sex is fun, but not many of us are aware that it can actually be so good for your body and mind, especially when you practice 'sexercise'. During sex, you can naturally increase your heart rate which improves your cardiovascular system, lowering the risk for cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and other problems.

Here are some more benefits of sexercise:

  • lower blood pressure

  • increased endorphins release

  • healthy skin

  • fighting infections easier

  • reduced risk of cancer

Now, let's talk about the mental health and sexercise benefits for yours! First of all, this type of exercise can bring more intimacy into a relationship, which improves overall mental well-being. Then, it can boost your confidence. Since studies show that sex can make you happier and more relaxed, adding physical exercises to it can only be good for your mental health with the endorphins being released. Plus, it's been said that people in long-term relationships tend to live longer. While we can't know that for sure, healthy sex life is certainly helping keep a relationship healthy and strong. Don't forget that sex is not only about an act, but it involves other sides as well: intimacy, foreplay, connection, communication, bonding, and chemistry even. Sexercise can stimulate the brain more than usual and help you relax in a completely different way. This calming effect is one of the best feelings you can have after sex.

Don't know where to start?

Start slow! Consider starting your new journey - if you are new to sexercise - in an easy way, avoiding super demanding and challenging positions that require a lot of effort. So, you can start with easy steps and work your way up to more intense sex sessions or more challenging positions. It's also important to talk to your partner and make sure you all understand what you're about to do and also pay attention to how they feel about sexercising. Some consider it a fun project, while others might want to make a long-term commitment to sexercising. 

The best part of sexercise?

You don't need a gym membership! Plus, if you're working out to get fit, this could be so much fun! Remember, it's always good to switch things up from time to time, that way you will keep your sexercise up to date and interesting, avoiding routine and boredom. How can you spice things up and change the exercises? Try different positions, role-playing, different settings even. This will allow you to work on different muscles and make the most out of it! And don't forget about foreplay -- that could also burn more calories, if you're looking for a full-body workout, and ultimately, don’t forget to enjoy!

5150 reads
July 7, 2022
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