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The real questions and answers about Erectile Dysfunction

The real questions and answers about Erectile Dysfunction

You might know him for different reasons, but Leonardo Da Vinci was the one who discovered that blood flow in the penis creates erections. Before, people believed that erections are caused by air. But today, we know a lot more about penises than just that. And something we know for sure is that sometimes erections don’t take place, even when you want them the most.

So, if you have a penis, it’s likely that at some point in time in your history or a mate of yours had this problem: to not be able to get hard. Not getting it up once or twice is not a cause for alarm, but if you’re having trouble getting or sustaining an erection on the long term, you might want to consider seeing a doctor. The thing is, there aren’t any special signs that you might suffer from a condition, but consulting a specialist is the best decision. Frustrated with your dick’s performance? Simple: go to the doctor. Don’t know which doctor? What are your options? Can you relieve symptoms and treat yourself? Is there a pill? An urologist can tell you more about all that, and here is what we found.

Erectile dysfunction: how common is it?

Studies show that 40% of 40 year olds can have ED and an approximate of 70% of 70 year old people. But these are only estimative numbers and it doesn’t matter your age.

Do you need to consult a doctor?

Seeing a doctor can be done at different times while having the symptoms, but it’s always best to address a professional when you start to feel like something might be wrong. Despite this advice, most people will keep trying to have sex and not listen to their body, which is saying that something is wrong. But doctors advise not to postpone the consultation: the sooner the better! Because some causes of ED can be serious, like cardiovascular.

What kind of doctor to see?

You can talk to your primary doctor and bring up this dysfunction with them. They can prescribe you treatment, but if the pills aren’t working or you have side effects, consider going to an urologist. Sex therapists are also helpful.

Your primary doctor will likely prescribe pills. However, if you’re finding that pills aren’t helping, if you’re experiencing side effects, or if ED is your only concern, you may want to go to a urologist.

A sex therapist can also be helpful, depending on the source of your problems and what causes them. For example, if the cause is medical (you never get an erection just by yourself) it’s best to see an urologist. Or if you get hard by yourself but never / sometimes with your partner, you can consult a sex therapist. Studies show that about 20% of cases of ED are psychological.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Back in the day, some used to think that ED was a psychological problem and they ignored the condition just like they ignored anxiety. But today, ED is very commonly caused by depression or anxiety. And it also depends on the patient, as sometimes one might have complex health issues.

Doctors say that one of the most common causes is vasculogenic dysfunction, meaning problems with the way blood flows into the genital organ. Even though that’s very common, it is essential for men experiencing ED to get it checked out. When checked out early, you lower other risk factors of developing other diseases like stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure.

Plus, there are lots of medical factors that make men more likely to suffer from ED, like medication side effects or thyroid disease. Plus, people who have diabetes are also at risk of having erectile dysfunction, regardless of their age. Even young men can have ED, and also due to psychological and emotional factors like stress.

What are your first treatment options?

Well, your doctor will look into your medical history and lifestyle, and they will recommend a treatment. This plan might include medication. And it’s also crucial for them to know if you take antidepressants or anti-seizure medications or consume a great amount of alcohol and tobacco, both of which contribute to the ED. So it’s also about the lifestyle factors. So the first treatment option is generally an pde5 inhibitor (you probably know the brands of Viagra or Cialis).

What to know before you take the pill?

There are misconceptions about taking Viagra or Cialis. But these pills can be helpful for psychological ED as well as physical ED through amplifying the positive signals from the brain to the penis. Which can be helpful if you have performance anxiety, for example.

What are the risks of the pill?

Research shows that Viagra and Cialis don't lead to physical dependence, however, they can lead to psychological dependence and you might want to take the pill at every time you get to have sex. Side effects that are common include headaches, flushing, nasal congestion, and dyspepsia.

Can you treat erectile dysfunction?

Yes, but the timing of treatment differs from person to person. Some people might be cured in one or two sessions while other men might need more time or to see how different treatments work. But usually, if its causes are physical, this requires long term treatment. Start small, with a first step, if you suffer from ED: just call your doctor!

4992 reads
July 7, 2022
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