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A new study shows how often married people have sex

A new study shows how often married people have sex

Have you ever thought about your sex life not being what it's supposed to be? Maybe it's not the sweet erotic life you used to have, and you might wonder without finding any answers, what is the average time married people have sex? Long-term relationships and marriage change the course of a relationship -- and this is completely normal. We change, we grow, and maybe we have kids and more responsibilities. So, changes in your sex life can be totally normal and nothing to worry about. You might remember the first time you got together with your partner: you certainly had an era of very intense sexual activity, because there was a lot of excitement and new things to be discovered in your new partner.

However, the newness element inherently disappears slowly, and erotic frequency can decrease as individuals return to their biological libidos, which might not be enough. So, if your erotic life isn't what it used to be, you might find yourself rubbing your head and asking yourself, anyhow, how often do couples have sex?

The answer is out there somewhere, but in reality, every person's libido will be different from someone else. You might have a desire to have sex every day, but your partner might feel things differently and only wants to do it once a week, for example. This can also change and fluctuate regularly or not, and there are also external factors that determine the frequency of erotic activity: for example, stress, sleep - or the lack of - medications, diets, strenuous exercise, and sport can interfere with your sex life. But if you and your partner are dealing with a difference between sex drives, that doesn't necessarily mean your erotic life is condemned. In fact, even a relationship without sex can be a good one and there is hope to reignite that initial fire.

Married couples and sex: the average frequency

A study by Archives of Sexual Behavior shows that a married couple will have sex around 56 times a year. This means once a week and it's the average number. No worries if this number is different from your own frequency. The most important thing is satisfaction. As long as you're happy with 1 day a week or once a month, all is good. But if you're feeling frustrated and not happy about this number, you might need to do a bit more and work towards achieving your sex goal. How can you do that? Well, first of all, eliminate the factors in your life that bring stress on a daily basis.

How often should you aim to get laid?

Again, this is a question with a lot of open answers, because there cannot be just one right number, the correct number of times to have intimate relationships. So, first of all, let's reframe the question and give it the right answer, which is: if both partners are happy and satisfied, there’s no need to change things. if you want to be doing it more, but you're not certain what to aim for, try it once a week and see where that gets you.

It is crucial to maintain an intimate relationship with your spouse, and this does not require you to have daily sex - so far as you maintain the authentic connection. The focus should be on what makes you (and your partner) thrive, happy, satisfied, and content. Because there's no point in dwelling on quantity, numbers are not exact and they don't prove anything. Instead, focus on quality. If you think about sex in your life, what comes first to mind? The numbers you made it so far, or that one time the sex was truly incredible? The truth is, quality sex beats numbers anytime. Focus on that!

The foremost action to get a more mutually-satisfying erotic life is definitely to start speaking about what you and your partner want and desire. So, don't be afraid to communicate openly and sincerely about what gets you in the mood, what keeps you aroused, and how you want to have sex. Communication will support you throughout the relationship, and you will be able to better understand if there are things missing if you need/want to experiment with something new if you wanna start using sex toys, or role-play, or if you'd rather try out swinging.

Did you know that a disparity in sexual needs can actually mean that you or your partner wish for more physical intimacy or closeness? Of course, you should talk about what needs to be changed and what each of you wants in terms of intimacy and sex. This might be a little effort, but it's always worth it because your relationship can improve greatly when you communicate your needs and wants correctly. Another way to close a gap between different libidos is by masturbating. This means you won't put pressure on your partner and it will keep you satisfied. Ultimately, it's essential to understand that being in tune with your erotic needs does not mean you should always have sex. The frequency of sex is not an indicator of your happiness or the quality of your relationship or marriage. Because there are more things that are important in a relationship: flirtation, romantic gestures, intimacy, and connection. But you have to express your desires and don't stress if you're having sex daily or just once a month.

4262 reads
September 29, 2022
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