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The future of space travel is taking shape - here’s how

The future of space travel is taking shape - here’s how

The space tourism industry may soon provide more people the opportunity to view Earth from orbit as various companies continue testing and advancing their technologies. In the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant publicity around celebrity and private passenger missions conducted by pioneers in the sector like Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and SpaceX. However, while such high-profile flights grabbed headlines, behind-the-scenes work to develop proven and reusable launch systems never stopped. 

Now, as space tourism regains momentum following pandemic-induced delays, the results of continuous innovation and testing over the past few years are starting to be realized. Increased commercial operations have recently resumed their activity, bringing the vision of making orbital human spaceflight experiences accessible to broader audiences another step closer to reality.

As one of four crew members on the company's historic seventh commercial spaceflight on June 8th, Manenti became one of the few lucky individuals to briefly escape Earth's atmosphere. Now back on the ground, Manenti found himself alternately reliving joyous memories and agonizing over the indescribable sights he witnessed among the stars. 

The intense feelings of awe, vulnerability, and cosmic perspective continued to overwhelm Manenti. 

However, the CEO of World View notes in an interview that despite challenges, the industry continues to innovate. His company is among those working to expand access to space. While whole populations can't realistically visit the final frontier presently, the long-term goal is facilitating orbital journeys for growing crowds. If recent progress proves lasting, the sights and experiences previously limited to national astronauts may gradually become available to larger percentages of civilians.

Major players in the space tourism sector have recently achieved significant milestones, signaling the industry's rebound. In late May, Blue Origin resumed operations following upgrades, safely launching its New Shepard rocket on its initial mission after a two-year break to implement engine redesigns and safety modifications required by the FAA.

SpaceX also made strides forward on June 6th by completing a successful test flight and landing of its fully reusable Starship prototype. As the company works to certify Starship for human passengers, the long-term vision is to use the advanced craft to shuttle people into low-Earth orbit and beyond - circling the moon and eventually transporting colonists to Mars.

These latest accomplishments by industry leaders Blue Origin and SpaceX demonstrate the progress being made to develop reliable, advanced technologies. They pave the way for increasing numbers of civilians to experience space in the near future as space tourism again gains momentum.

Several space tourism companies have made headway in preparations for passenger flights. Space Perspective plans to begin test launches this summer using its capsule and newly arrived mission control vessel, MS Voyager. World View expanded globally with a new Australia office. Zephalto successfully tested its capsule design. Additionally, EOS-X announced securing $230 million in funding to launch passenger flights aboard its space station by 2025.

The development progress demonstrates the sector's continued momentum, with Space Perspective, World View, Zephalto and EOS-X all working to advance critical vehicle and infrastructure milestones. Their latest achievements suggest space tourism may soon become available to even more people worldwide within the next few years.

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July 5, 2024
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