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How is technology affecting your sex life?

How is technology affecting your sex life?

Is technology interfering with your intimate and personal life? No surprise there! Because we all know that our devices, smart and advanced technology, can do more than just to keep us connected: they can take away something human and natural and they might harm our social and private life sometimes, and even our health! So why are technology and social media not so good for your relationship? Read the full article!

Technology has definitely changed the way we communicate with each other, opening new opportunities and possibilities through messaging, chat rooms, social media, or video calls and emails. It’s so much easier to connect with others now than ever before, which makes building relationships much faster and easier. Some of these tech devices and apps bring new benefits even in your intimate relationships because they have such a huge impact on your personal life.

Today, we have more reasons to take a break or interrupt ourselves than society had thirty years ago - for example when you had a pet, your kids, or a telephone ringing from time to time. But nowadays, you might find it difficult to be intimate with someone and not be interrupted by technology. How often would you say you check your phone for calls, texts or notifications?

Well, this also happens during sex! Yes, there are studies showing that nearly 20% of people might check their phone during sex: either they answer a text or a call, check their social media or their email even! Which is not uncommon, if you think about it. Your phone comes with you pretty much everywhere - to the gym, in the office, or in the shower and in the bathroom.

Is it an addiction? More like an attachment that you can have to your smartphone. Which in turn can affect your relationship and the way you interact with others. Intimate conversations can be challenging when you have an attachment and check your phone every other minute.

What does technology do to your emotions? You might feel more distant and disconnected from people, your feeling of trust might change and intimacy in your relationship might be disrupted. Because of the pandemic, many have said that today it feels normal to isolate themselves and lose their interest in face-to-face interactions and conversations.

What stops you from being intimate with your partner?

If you would make a list of all the reasons why you struggle with intimacy in your relationship, what would that list look like? Would it have kids, and pets, work in it? Probably! Would you also add a phone to the list? There is plenty of ways technology may affect your sex life. Because whether you’re just used to checking your phone in intimate moments or you pay more attention to your devices than to your partner, it’s a clear sign that you might not be that present in your relationship.

Some people have said that they are not spending too much time with their partners, but instead, they spend more time on the internet on their phones. This could be a way to unwind and relax, but it’s also a way of disconnecting from the present moment and the people around you. So, can you do anything to change your habits?

10 ways to change your tech habits

  • When you charge your phone, plug it in another room except for the bedroom

  • Agree to put away your phones during the night

  • Agree to put away your phone or make it silent when you share a meal with your partner, and sit down at the table

  • Use your phone only when needed and let others know to not disturb

  • Don’t use your phone when you’re on a date

  • As tempting as it might be to grab your phone first thing in the morning, don’t reach for it!

  • Make sure you follow those people and feeds that make you feel good on social media

  • Keep intimate things and relationships details to yourself and don’t share everything on social media

  • Use your phones to enhance your relationships by communicating, sending texts or sharing photos but at the end of the day, prioritize being present with your partner

  • Define your boundaries and make your own rules in the relationship regarding technology and its use of it.

Phones, social media, and other tech have become a natural part of modern life and their influence is constantly changing and increasing. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the negative effects tech might have on your erotic life and relationship while making the most out of technology’s advantages.

Because the truth is there are advantages and disadvantages to using technology while you are in a relationship or whether you want to start a new relationship. For example, dating apps can be used to your advantage! And there are other apps that help you learn better communication, management and even sex positions. It’s just a matter of balance and knowing what works and what doesn’t for you!

5252 reads
July 7, 2022
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