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The art of erotic lap dances with Magic Mike and Channing Tatum

The art of erotic lap dances with Magic Mike and Channing Tatum

In 2011, Luke Broadlick, who was a dancer on Britney Spears's Femme Fatale tour, got a little ambitious while hanging out with his fellow performers on a couch. He ended up giving a playful lap dance to supervising choreographer Alison Faulk, which caught her attention. That’s how he ended up having a new job opportunity. That job turned out to be as an assistant choreographer on Steven Soderbergh's new film, Magic Mike, about male exotic dancers. Fast forward 12 years, and there have been two Magic Mike sequels, including the latest one, Magic Mike’s Last Dance, which allegedly marks the end of the series. There are also multiple Magic Mike Live stage shows currently running, as well as an HBO Max reality series, Finding Magic Mike. Broadlick and Faulk have been involved in all of these projects, including co-choreographing Last Dance.

Throughout their work on Magic Mike, Broadlick and Faulk have shared plenty of laughs and gained a wealth of knowledge on creating lap dances. They both stated that they absolutely love this project and always have a great time and a lot of laughs. Because according to the artists, if you're not having fun while you're creating a lap dance, then you're not living life to the maximum. In the meantime, they have also made cameo appearances on screen: Faulk in a bikini and motorcycle helmet, punching Channing Tatum in the stomach at the beginning of Magic Mike XXL.

Their work on Magic Mike has undergone a transformation, moving from replicating the atmosphere of a Tampa strip club to creating a showcase of male athleticism, featuring a spectacular rain-soaked number where Tatum twirls a ballerina. According to Broadlick, between the first two movies, the performers moved from being strippers to straight-up entertainers, incorporating narratives into their performances. The grand finale of Magic Mike XXL saw the crew urged to pursue their passions on stage, resulting in Matt Bomer serenading the audience and Joe Mangianello indulging in a wedding fantasy that leads to some sex swing acrobatics. Broadlick explains that Last Dance takes this concept to another level, focusing not only on sex appeal but also on delivering an engaging experience.

The most demanding sequence in the Magic Mike franchise is featured in Last Dance, where Tatum and a female partner perform a steamy and muscular pas de deux under a fake rain shower. This routine was initially choreographed by Faulk and Broadlick for the stage shows and was later adapted for the film. To perfect it, they practiced in Faulk's garage, throwing buckets of water on a tarp and sliding around like maniacs. However, it is genuinely dangerous as the male partner must maintain balance while executing slippery moves with the female partner. During filming, Tatum's partner, Kylie Shea, accidentally hit him in the nose with her pelvis, causing him to bleed. Faulk has nothing but admiration for Tatum.

Faulk and Tatum's paths crossed for the first time in 2006 through his ex-wife Jenna Dewan. Dewan and Faulk met while dancing for Janet Jackson and later became roommates. According to Faulk, Tatum stayed with them for a brief period, essentially becoming their third roommate. So when he started working on Magic Mike, Tatum enlisted Faulk's help. What’s more, the artists faced a learning curve while working on the first Magic Mike movie. They visited strip shows and conducted research to create authentic content as per Soderbergh's request. Additionally, it was their first experience working with actors who weren't dancers. However, Tatum, who had a stripping background before entering Hollywood, was an exception, as he is very collaborative. Plus, it's worth noting that Broadlick, who has martial arts training, assisted Tatum with his flips.

Faulk claims that Tatum is the best lap dancer they have ever seen, even surpassing the professionals they've hired. Having had her fair share of lap dances, Faulk is often the one who volunteers to be the recipient. According to Broadlick, the key to a successful lap dance is establishing a genuine connection with the recipient and being confident but not arrogant. Cockiness can ruin the moment. During the live shows, a safe word is used to ensure everyone is comfortable. The opening scene of Last Dance features Tatum's character, Mike Lane, demonstrating this technique to his love interest, Maxandra, played by Salma Hayek Pinault. The duet includes classic pelvic thrusts as well as impressive feats such as a pull-up and a lift where Tatum carries Pinault on his shoulders.

2535 reads
March 21, 2023
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