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Single and ready to mingle?

Single and ready to mingle?

Modern dating apps have definitely made things easier. Thanks to them, we can forget about the good ol' days when you had to meet face-to-face with your future partner and start a slow process of getting to know each other. Because today, you can meet someone new and get to know them in the convenience of your personal space, without the need to go out. Plus, there are so many options when it comes to dating apps!

Here's how to make the best out of them!

1. The first few seconds are crucial

So yes, first impressions do count! Because if it only takes you a glimpse to swipe left or right, imagine how important is your first impression! The potential partner is just an image and it better make a good first impression so make sure you have a flattering profile pic!

2. Have a good number of photos

There’s nothing more annoying than seeing a profile that has no pictures at all or all of them are blurry! Try to upload at least 5 - 6 pictures that are clear and that say something about you, your personality, your interests and show a little bit of who you are.

3. Choose your words

After you decide on photos, make sure you also write something about yourself, as bios are essential. A bio does not have to be long but it should say something about you like a witty thing but also meaningful. An easy way to prepare your bio and write it up is by answering some questions that might come your way, or something that you know works to break the ice in case you will meet in person.

4. Don’t forget to laugh

Because humour is important and people usually prefer someone that has a sense of humour rather than not. Most people are drawn to humour so it’s time to write up some smart and funny words!

5. Try to get personal

Now that you found a match, nothing is granted. You can start talking to each other or you can talk to someone else. Don’t ignore the sweet nothings because they can make conversations with a stranger easter. Talk about your shared interests and experiences and give some hints about who you are. It’s actually not that difficult! Just start with an introduction and where you come from – this usually sets the atmosphere and then continue from there. However, remember that you should always be respectful of the other person’s boundaries.

If you continue on whatsapp, you can make some moves! Because remember, they also want more than just chatting.

Finally, once you found you love interest, be ready to strengthen your connection and get to know eachother better. If it doesn’t go the way you plan it, don’t worry: not all relationships will last. Be honest and open and who knows, maybe you’ll find the partner you were looking for!

4957 reads
July 6, 2022
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