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Pornhub's traffic for the Italian election 2022

Pornhub's traffic for the Italian election 2022

As Italians voted for their new Government on Sunday, September 25th, popular websites didn't stop for a second. Statistics say that only 63.9% of Italians chose to vote, and to see what the effects of the election day had on everyone in Italy, Pornhub and FQMagazine did some research to find out how exactly this impacted the traffic on the Pornhub site on the day. The charts published by Pornhub show that the traffic on this beloved site increased on election day, in Italy, and in fact remained above the average level for the whole day. The conclusion? This increase in views shows the possibility that all who abstained from voting had something more fun to do with their Sunday.

As you can see in the graphics, that from the moment when the polling station opened, the traffic started to grow and reach a peak of +12% around 4 p.m. However, there is a fall around 11 p.m. That is when the polling station shut and also the moment when the first exit poll was broadcasted. The traffic decreased by 4% across Italy, which demonstrates that Italians exited Pornhub to observe the news of the first exit polls. What is more, after the first results, the traffic on Pornhub slowly started to increase and achieve a new peak of +13% around 3 a.m. This was when the final election results were already set and clear. The statistics show the probability that Italians hopped on Pornhub before going back to sleep encouraged by the final outcomes.

Moreover, the research was extended to Italian regions, and observing this phenomenon on every single area in Italy, you can see that during the voting period - so from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. - the traffic boost was smooth and without big changes all around the country. Basilicata saw an increase of +17%, Molise of +15%, and Valley of +14%. Concerning the Election evening, the first place was once again on the side of Basilicata, where a remarkable increase of 35% has been observed. In all the other areas of Italy, the Pornhub traffic statistics increased during the night. However, there were some exceptions like Sicily and Tuscany with -6% and Aosta Valley with -8%.

4152 reads
October 21, 2022
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