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Feeling like something new to get your groove on? Discover some NEW music

Feeling like something new to get your groove on? Discover some NEW music

Sharp lyrics, energetic beats, and transcendent vocals: these are the new indie picks in terms of music and the latest tracks that need to be on your playlist ASAP. Why? Well, they explore some themes anyone could relate to, like love, crisis, and loneliness. But they are also so much more. We're listening to them and want to share some of the best new music here with you.

Anoushka Maskey

She is a singer-songwriter who just released her nostalgic new single So Long, Already. Again. Her song studies the distinctive nature of a long-distance relationship by introducing a notion. It's about how one partner would expect to get used to something (and this is totally possible) and they also separate and reunite.

Easy Wanderlings

They are known for their soothing tunes and cool soul, pop, and folk influences. As a Pune-based group (with 8 people), Easy Wanderlings has just launched their new EP, titled Caught in a Parade. This is definitely a soulful complement to their melodic voyage featuring comforting songs and energetic beats. Prepare to see them at festivals.

Shrinidhi Ghatate

Her new single Raat - created for her new album titled Until Now - can be a great company in the quiet of the evening. The composition is incredibly beautiful and she is accompanied by a hearty music video. Will it bring a smile to your face? Just give it a watch / listen.

Tanmaya Bhatnagar

Tanmaya Bhatnagar is a Delhi-based indie singer-songwriter and her new single - Kahaani - is about how we try to find a treatment for the endless loneliness that one feels. It's a song about loneliness that happens even when you're happy. Don't worry, you won't get depressed, as she has beautiful vocals and her song is like a medicine that will soothe any heart, even the bluestones.

Trance Effect

An indie pop-rock band that just dropped a new single - We’re Gonna Make it. It's featuring TK Lemtur, Big Dane and Nentong Konyak. It also became the official theme song for The Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022. It has an enthusiastic rhythm and some powerful lyrics that could motivate even the laziest person on a Monday morning.


He is known by his name stage, but his real name is Nathan Joseph Mendes. He is a 21-year-old artist from Goa who strives to inspire listeners to reach a certain spiritual state. It's all about peace, unconditional love, and positivity as well as harmony. Listen to his first single - Feel Okay - it's from his new album that dropped last week. You'll put it on repeat, we promise.

Avanti Nagral

Her new album - Quarter Life Crisis - is mesmerizing. She is singing about her own experiences and feelings about different challenges in life. But this album will feel familiar to a lot of us, as Quarter Life Crisis outlines sentiments about being left behind, responsible for a lot of things, falling in love, living in the digital era, and so on. It's an intimate work but it's worth giving it a listen and exploring key themes such as heartbreak, love, adulting, relationships, and self-love.

Frizzell D’souza

She is a Bengaluru-based singer-songwriter with a new EP: The Hills Know Of You. The songs and melodies are for anyone loving nature and wanting to feel like they are flying. The themes are classical but with a twist and it will make you feel loved and hugged - the music!

Thermal And A Quarter

This band started in 1996 as an indie rock band from Bangalore. They say that their music is western, with guitar, bass, drums, and English lyrics. However, at the same time, it also has multiple layers and it will give you a complex listening experience. Listen to their new single What World to feel an instant serotonin boost that will certainly make you dance on the spot.

Raghav Meattle

He has a single in collaboration with Hanita Bhambri and Ashish Zachariah and we just love it! It's so summery, so fresh, so unique. Close your eyes and enjoy every note of it, you can even imagine yourself in your safe and super happy imaginary place!

3264 reads
December 6, 2022
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