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Why you should wash your hands before sex

Why you should wash your hands before sex

Did you ever have a flashback to a time ago when everyone had to re-learn the proper way to wash their hands? Before masks and ventilation, the government was telling you to sing Happy Birthday ( How youthful we were!). Maybe you remember one particular video online, with a multicoloured ink demonstrating proper washing methods. Was it silly to have to tell people how to exercise introductory hygiene? No. There actually was a report that a not- veritably-nice 69 percent of men don’t use to wash their hands regularly. But the time spent during this pandemic has hopefully changed this for good. But what about washing your hands before hooking up or having sex?

Your hands are the settlers for all physical gestures involving your touch, but also picking up billions of pathogenic passengers on the way. And nearly any perforation in a body is a warm, squishy, welcoming terrain for microorganisms. Indeed the most PG of sexual contact involves the swapping of some kind of fluids. When you narrow it down, a lot of common erotic acts involve putting your body parts into someone different body parts. And considering how your hands are some of your most important ones, they will touch some veritably intimate spaces in your mate — spaces that have frequently fragile and delicate pH situations that don't like foreign bacteria.

Unfortunately, numerous women frequently feel societal pressure to play down their discomfort during sex. There is a real liability that she’s telling her group about your post-hook-up situation. So the least you can do is to wash your hands and keep the bacteria away from your partner’s body parts!

Is that a mood killer? Can you imagine excusing yourself after you take your clothes off to give your hands a wash in the restroom? Actually, if your date flees because you took a moment to wash, it's surely not you washing your hands that’s the mood killer. But just make it in — taking a moment to excuse yourself to use the restroom means that you know how to plan things. You don't have to advertise that you are going to go wash your hands or whatever you’re going to do in the bathroom.

Some may suppose that applying lube or putting a condom on is weird and it can interrupt the foreplay or the act, so they skip all these precautions. But these are important things that you should do for everyone’s health and comfort. Make sure your hands are clean before you touch someone else’s intimate parts!

That can be a mood killer, but if you don’t wash your hands, all the germs that have grown on your skin and your partner’s skin will be transferred directly to the intimate parts, or your bacteria will transfer to your partner’s body, who will pass them right back to you. If you have oral sex, all those viruses and bacteria are happy to transfer to your mouth, too.

Would you kiss your own fingers after touching things in public transportation or having a drink at a bar, or petting your dog or cat, or riding a bike? Maybe not, because you know about bacteria. If it feels natural to wash your hands before sitting down to eat, then it’s no big deal to do it before engaging in intimate contact with your partner.

Whenever you want to ask a mate to wash their hands, they’re not going to be scared or be leaving (why would they). They can just be surprised that you’re asking but it is your right.

Actually, someone who thinks about cleaning their hands before getting down to sex stuff is actually sexy and confident. It shows care and confidence, and it is more seductive to show and not to tell) your mate that you are considerate of their well-being and pleasure. This will help you both build more trust which in turn leads to absolutely better sex sessions. It all begins with washing your hands, it’s that simple!

4797 reads
July 7, 2022
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