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Exploring the menswear fashion scene: Emily Bode and her clothing brand

Exploring the menswear fashion scene: Emily Bode and her clothing brand

Emily and Aaron Bode -- not only life partners but also creative and business collaborators, certainly have a refined sense of aesthetics that has been nurtured over the years. This unique taste, which often requires a lifetime to cultivate, has become the defining characteristic of their brand. Why should you be interested, you might ask? Well, read this article to find out more about their story about style.

Despite being in the business for only a short time, Bode exudes a timeless essence. The garments, featuring simple yet distinct boxy silhouettes, inspire durability and luxury, setting them apart from anything else available in the market. However, Emily's desire to discuss not just her exquisite clothing, but also her mission to preserve the cherished American traditions are part of her modest yet expanding collection. As a result, Emily, a devoted student of history, has crafted a captivating vision that paid homage to the legendary American fashion designers who preceded her. Among them, Ralph Lauren stood out as a significant inspiration, renowned for his ability to infuse clothing with the enchanting world of cinematic fantasy. Prior to Ralph Lauren's groundbreaking move in 1970, when he consolidated his entire collection in one place, rather than dispersing it among separate departments, it was unprecedented for retail stores to showcase a designer's collection as a cohesive unit. But today, every fashion brand feels compelled to articulate the universe surrounding its clothes, leveraging a personal and targeted marketing context that makes one brand's piece more enticing than another's. Emily and Aaron, however, are taking this concept one step further. How?

The designers are tapping into uncharted territory within the realm of menswear. While anyone who has shopped for designer clothing knows the feeling of living someone else's fantasy, Bode offers a different fashion and style experience. Her world is steeped in familial heritage and the preservation of forgotten craftsmanship, evoking a sense of nostalgic yearning. It may seem incredibly niche, maybe even alienating a larger audience, however -- it has remarkably struck a chord with many men who know about this brand. Because browsing through a selection of Bode clothing evokes the same emotions of curiosity and exploration one might experience while uncovering secret garments through their grandparents' attic or stumbling upon an antique shop in a strange, new city. Each piece carries echoes of some old time, like an old tale, capturing the essence of shared American mythologies. But rather than a history book, Bode's collection resembles a cherished family album, lovingly passed down through generations. What a difference!

But let’s dive deeper into Emily’s story. She established her brand in 2016, but the essence of the idea had been brewing in her mind for a considerable time, as she mentions in an interview that it’s not easy for her to remember the exact moment when she decided to create the brand. During her time at the Parsons School of Design, where she pursued fashion design and philosophy studies, her immediate goal was to secure a design position at Abercrombie & Fitch. However, her lifelong aspiration was to work for Ralph Lauren, with the dream of one day opening her own store. Emily firmly believes that clothing should be both worn and treasured. While her college peers were busy with fabrics and mannequins, she spent countless nights sewing clothes for herself and her friends.

During the early days of her brand, a significant part of Bode's offerings consisted of clothes crafted from vintage fabrics, leading critics to question the brand's potential for scalability. However, Emily enlightened the critics about her ongoing efforts to develop her own textiles, reducing waste and reusing fabrics. This breakthrough not only expanded design possibilities but also allowed her to carefully recreate priceless antiques with enhanced craftsmanship or re-imagine them into fresh designs with her artistic flair. By maintaining limited production, she remained faithful to the original objects' collectibility and rarity. Today, these reproductions serve as a foundation for the brand's success.

Fast forward to 2023, and this year, Bode stands at the forefront of a new chapter in classic American fashion. You can spend enough time in New York or LA, and you can eventually feel Emily's unmistakable influence. While she wasn't the first designer to utilize antique materials, it's safe to say that several years ago, it was uncommon to see men confidently sporting refined quilting or sleek leather slippers. In Bode's world of exquisite taste, garments like French lace can have an irresistible chic effect. What is more, celebrities such as Harry Styles, Kendrick Lamar, Emma Corrin, or even the notorious Jay-Z have embraced Bode's sophistication, becoming part of the brand's journey towards elegance.

1111 reads
July 28, 2023
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