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The relationship a whole world is talking about

The relationship a whole world is talking about

According to CNN, during a campaign rally in Alaska, Donald Trump said that the billionaire businessman Elon Musk is a "bullshit artist" for saying that he never voted for him prior to a recent election in Texas. Elon Musk replied via Twitter. "I don't hate the man, but it's time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset," he wrote. "Dems should also call off the attack -- don't make it so that Trump's only way to survive is to regain the Presidency." But this relationship has changed since two years ago when Musk and Trump had a good relationship going on. In January 2020, during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Trump praised Musk and called him "one of our great geniuses."

Trump said:

"You know, we have to protect Thomas Edison, and we have to protect all of these people that came up with originally the light bulb and the wheel and all of these things. And he's one of our very smart people, and we want to cherish those people...I spoke to [Musk] very recently, and he's also doing the rockets. He likes rockets. And he does good at rockets, too, by the way. I never saw where the engines come down with no wings, no anything, and they're landing. I said 'I've never seen that before.' "

In the same year, Trump attended a SpaceX launch. But earlier, before the 2016 election, Elon Musk said that Trump is “not the right guy”. However, following Trump's victory, Elon Musk became one of the members of a business advisory group for the former president. After that, Musk left a year later when Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accords, saying that "Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world." In one of his interviews, Musk mentioned that the effort was worth it because he wanted to do his best for the policies that are addressing climate change. During the pandemic, Musk got again closer to the former president. And in 2020, the former president said that he supports Musk in his efforts to reopen the Tesla plant. So the two men had a connection again following the riot at the US Capitol. Musk said at a conference by the Financial Times that "it was not correct to ban Donald Trump. I think that was a mistake because it alienated a large part of the country."

Musk also mentioned he would reverse Trump's Twitter ban if his deal to acquire the company went through. But there was a turn in all these events, even though the two men and personalities are alike and could get along, having similarities and common interests. Ultimately, Musk and Trump may well be too similar to ever get along. Because both see themselves as idols but also revolutionairs, creating controversy and wanting to change the status quo. Moreover, both are very divisive figures which people either hate or love, because there’s no in between. Musk and Trump definitely have an unconventional relationship and it is going to change on the way.


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July 21, 2022
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