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Here’s why abortion laws don’t affect just women

Here’s why abortion laws don’t affect just women

Once again, the fight for the right to abortion in the US has begun after the Supreme Court ended the right to abortion, which means that abortion might become a crime in some states. The thing is, this problem affects men too, not only women. How? First off, men should support abortion because women have been forced to have unwanted or unintended pregnancies for years, a fact that led to thousands of people being denied this constitutional right and affecting their health, both physical and mental. Today, men should support abortion rights: it’s simple as that, as every human being should be able to decide and control their own body and life. But more than anything, it’s about women’s lives that are put in danger and some men may not fully realize how wrong and disastrous this can be. This is in part because men don’t give birth so they can only think of abortion as something abstract and not something real, but this is super real. 

Here are the reasons why banning abortion will affect men too:

  • Many women in your life had or will have an abortion during their life. Studies show that one in for women will have an abortion. And even though men are involved in the reason women need to have an abortion, many people feel like abortion is a taboo subject and they don’t talk about it, making it a burden just for themselves. The truth is that men should engage in this issue because they too are concerned about conceiving. 
  • You might get sued. In many states of the US, helping a woman to get an abortion is also a crime so you might even go to jail if you help your partner receive abortion. If before Roe, you could help your partner find  a doctor willing to provide an abortion, after this you may be hunted by law enforcement. 
  • If it’s an unwanted pregnancy, it concerns you too. Because there can be unintended fatherhood which can be hard and if it happens when you’re not prepared or you’re a student and have to leave school, it’s not an advantage. Plus, you’ll have to offer child support as well. Because one of the reasons why women need an abortion is the expenses that come with a child, but these expenses are also applicable to men. Would you put your life on hold and set aside or give up your long term plans to have a child when you’ve got other dreams? Whether you’re a man or a woman, this is a question you should ask yourself sincerely and find the most accurate answer. While the lack of money or time or having other plans is a more acute problem for the one giving birth, these issues affect fathers the same. 
  • If a human right is denied, the next right could be denight, like risking to lose marriage rights or birth control rights. But everyone should have the right to rights to contraception, same-sex marriage, and marriage equality.

So, if you’re a man or a woman or a non-binary or trans perso and you don’t want to live in a world where abortion and birth control are illegal or banned, If you don’t want to live in a United States without abortion or birth control or the right to love or make love how you want, men are going to have to help fight for it. And it could happen.

4982 reads
July 21, 2022
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