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How to make the most of your 2024 summer: hot travel tips

How to make the most of your 2024 summer: hot travel tips

Whether you've already booked time off or are just dreaming of warmer places, allow us to provide some inspiration for your ideal summer holiday in this guide. We’re sharing a variety of fun activities and destinations to consider adding to your bucket list for this season!

Amazing Southern African gems

Whereas Europe basks in summer sunshine, the season brings winter weather to the Southern Hemisphere. While North African nations tend to experience scorching temperatures during summer, these very months offer ideal climatic conditions for exploring the wildlife of Southern Africa. Most South African safari locales see their high season commence in May or June, running through October. July and August present the most favorable weather for a wildlife-viewing getaway. Countries like Zambia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe experience peak season at this time, with comfortable temperatures making outdoor adventures truly memorable.

Consider embarking on the experience of a lifetime with a safari to the underexposed gem that is Zambia. Or slumber beneath the Milky Way in a Botswanan salt pan under a starry sky. Could this summer be the perfect opportunity for an epic road trip along the stunning coastlines and deserts of Namibia? These memorable African wildlife experiences await discovery on your next vacation.

Fantastic Asian destinations

For those seeking an alternative to Africa, affordable Asian destinations abound. While Southeast Asia tends to experience sweltering heat and humidity in summer, accompanied by monsoon seasons in many areas, microclimates do exist. For instance, Malaysia's east coast often enjoys milder conditions compared to the west coast during these months. However, one nation we wholeheartedly recommend for a summer escape is Japan. Boasting ideal temperatures from June through August, the Land of the Rising Sun blossoms with natural beauty and cultural attractions. Its varied regions from cosmopolitan Tokyo to picturesque countryside offer refreshing summer getaways on any budget.

Consider discovering the charm of Japan on a summer vacation circuit. With ample time, venture beyond bustling cities to experience regional highlights like majestic Mount Fuji. Plan to linger at least two or three nights in the area for optimal chances to admire its famed beauty emerging from the clouds. Don't miss sampling Osaka's renowned culinary creations or encountering the docile deer of Nara Park. 

Lesser-known treasures also await discovery, such as the spiritual retreat of Mount Koya and the onsen town of Ginzan, where natural hot springs soothe. Japan's variety of destinations provides endless inspiration for a summer excursion to remember.

Charming European towns

Those residing in Europe benefit from accessible and diverse summer travel possibilities without extensive journeys. Nearly every European nation shines during these months, whether one seeks lakeside recreation in Scandinavia or seaside relaxation on Mediterranean coasts. Options abound to suit each climate preference. Whether basking in warm temperatures or favoring cooler respite, Europe delivers. Just be aware that days maximize length in summer, with the sun energizing locales from early morning until well past nightfall the farther north one ventures. Accordingly, vacations in these regions may involve adjusting to truncated sleep schedules balanced by endless daylight hours. Still, the variety of locations easily reachable makes Europe highly convenient for memorable vacations during this peak season.

Iceland beckons those seeking respite from sweltering temperatures, while Portugal promises summer charm to discover. Perhaps it's time to more deeply explore charms beyond borders in neighboring Germany. South Tyrol, Italy consistently enchants during these months as well. Another option lies in a romantic French escape to Luberon's summer charm. And those with curiosity for subtropical gets have likely daydreamed of Lanzarote's allure. Meanwhile, Faroe Islands intrigue may now entice planning a Summer visit. Europe teems with varied, easily reachable treasures to populate any wishlist for the balmy season ahead.

For Austrians, remaining in their picturesque homeland often proves the summer choice. Ideal warm temperatures fill the mountain air as sparkling lakes welcome daily swims. Everything flourishes with vibrant energy during the holidays. However, relaxing does not require strenuous activities. Austria offers much to discover through varied gentle pursuits. Perhaps disconnecting in nature is the call, like an off-grid mountain retreat where wifi cannot distract from slower rhythms. By escaping online for a week of rejuvenation in the peaceful Austrian peaks, summer refreshment awaits.

From far-flung wildlife wonders to destinations on Europe's doorstep, I hope this collection of summertime possibilities has sparked new ideas to populate your 2024 holiday wishlist. What compelling destinations or experiences are you currently contemplating to make the most of the upcoming season? I look forward to hearing what adventure or escape lands on your bucket list for this summer.

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July 12, 2024
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