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The Female Orgasm: What Every Guy Needs To Know

The Female Orgasm: What Every Guy Needs To Know

A mystery to some men, and an elusive myth to many women, nature has gifted our wives, girlfriends, and random hookups with a vast array of big Os that puts our fleeting male experience to shame.

Although there is no substantial difference in the neurology of the male and female orgasm, there are some large disparities. A 2018 study revealed that while over 85% of men consistently orgasm during sex, less than 50% of women do.

Is this evolution? Or merely male ignorance of female biology and lovemaking in general?

We can't answer that question today, but once you've read through the 10 (main) types of female orgasm, we can assure you that you will be more knowledgeable going into the bedroom than you were before.

The 10 types of lady orgasm

Perhaps not every woman will experience all of these, many may not even have heard of half of them. Within the next 10 minutes, however, you will be more informed than 99% of the human race (not an actual statistic), on this subject.

The Classic Clitoral

This sometimes hard-to-find bump is located just above the urethra (the pee hole) and just below the inner lips of your partner's vagina. This is the most common type of orgasm and comes with stimulation of the area. This can be achieved with your shlong, your fingers, tongue, a vibrator, etc.

The Very Vaginal

Vaginal orgasms, although rare compared to clitoral, have the potential to be more widespread. As it usually takes longer to achieve, it can be all the sweeter in the end.The area to go for is the nerve-rich area at the front and upper part of the vaginal wall. This is behind the clitoris and deeper within the vagina, hence the feeling of depth to the orgasm.

The Seriously Cervical

The cervix is at the far end of the uterus, so you are in for a deep dive here. If you are long in that department, more power to you. If you are average or less, don't despair. You can let her go on top to get deeper and leave it up to her to find the sweet spot.

The Amazing Anal

This kind is little known, and lesser talked about. However, the anal walls are well furnished with nerve endings that can bring her to orgasm. Make sure you have plenty of lube, take time to tease and toy with the anus first. Begin by inserting a finger or two first before going for gold.

The Notorious Nipple

You probably love her breasts anyway, so don't ignore them. Give those naughty nipples all the attention they deserve and watch her writhe in ecstasy.

The Glorious G-spot

Some say it's a myth, but many women disagree. We tend to believe them, and while the Graffenberg Spot, to give it its true name, is located in the same area that delivers the vaginal orgasm, that's not to say that there isn't one particularly sensitive spot situated right in there.

The Underused U-spot

We salute you if you had already heard of this one. U stands for urethra, so yes, it’s a pee-hole orgasm. Just remember that pretty much all of your guy orgasms are basically big pee-hole explosions, so don’t be too surprised by this. The urethra has erectile tissue either side of its opening, and these fill with blood when stimulated.

The Awesome A-spot

An extra golden point if you already knew about this one. This puppy is located high up in the uterus wall but just below the cervix. It's another relatively deep one, so it can be fun to have her on top and let her do the searching. For alternative fun, you can go hunting with fingers, sex toys, and of course, your trusty knob as well.

By all accounts, this delivers profound pleasure and should not be ignored.

The Beautifully Blended

They say guys can't multi-task, but we aren't so sure. The blended O involves stimulating more than one erogenous zone at a time leading to orgasms hitting your babe from several angles at once.

Imagine going in deep on her while you stimulate her breasts at the same time. Maybe you work her clit while you fill her with your manhood. Perhaps you can cover the clitoris, G-spot, and A-spot continuously in long, relentless circular motions to get her to experience all three simultaneously.

Starting to feel jealous? We don’t blame you.

The Especially ESR

We saved this one until last. The Expanded Sexual Response. This is the one where the earth moves, fireworks are released, and multiple, prolonged orgasm after orgasm hammers the lucky recipient into speechless ecstasy.

There's no formula for making this happen, but be sure to try all the other nine ways to see if you can find it. 

The Bottom Line

We can all improve on our skills and sometimes a few small improvements here and there can make a world of difference. Sometimes, it's not about you though and if your partner hasn't had her first big O, it's not such a big deal. It can take time.

If it is becoming an issue, however, this is no longer a taboo subject and any health professional can give you great advice on specific measures to overcome those first hurdles.

4506 reads
August 31, 2022
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