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All you wanted to know about Apple’s annual event

All you wanted to know about Apple’s annual event

Every year, Apple’s famous event is streamed live to millions of people around the globe. Did you tune in to see the latest gadgets iPhone released? This year, the event was held on September 7th at 1 pm ET. So here are some statistics according to Pornhub and the team at Mashable about all the excitement of this year's event via data.

To notice how Pornhub’s traffic changed during the event, the statisticians analogized the number of page views per minute, to the number of page views on a typical Wednesday. The premise was that during the event, as each major product was revealed, there would be a decline in views on Pornhub. During the less attractive parts of the event, there would be more visitors browsing Pornhub again. To make things more enjoyable, Pornhub statisticians divided the pageview changes by Apple devices (iPhones, iPads, MacOS) and non-Apple devices (Android, Windows). The theory is that Apple users would have more appeal in the event than those using Android-based smartphones. Below you can see the percent change in page views for each minute before, during, and after, with key moments of the event indicated along the timeline.

The data revealed that before the event, traffic from both Apple and non-Apple devices was close to that of an average Wednesday. Approximately 15 minutes before the event, Apple views started to decrease, hitting -4.2% as the event started streaming. Roughly 10 minutes into the event, the new Apple Watch Series 8 resulted in a prominent decrease in page views. Moreover, during the crash detection presentation, the page views dropped as well. The new “Watch Ultra” earned the most interest from viewers, resulting in -7.4% decrease in Pornhub’s page views. The peak emerged around the time that the workout, endurance, and diving features were being presented. Non-Apple devices shared their peak drop of -3.4% during the same part of the presentation. Later on, as the new Air Pods were being presented, page views from non-Apple devices began to increase, returning to normal levels. At the same time, Apple devices were down -5.6% during the iPhone 14 reveal, and dropped further.

By the time the iPhone 14 Pro model was revealed, non-Apple page views began to rise above typical levels, while Apple devices stayed below average until the end of the event.Instantly after the event, Apple device page views began to increase well above average, as high as +5.1%. Could it be that Apple device users were excited by the new gadgets, heading to Pornhub to find some release? Maybe! Mobile devices make up 97% of Pornhub’s traffic so the MacOS and Windows portion of these results is really small.

4467 reads
September 18, 2022
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